02/19/2024 - Lucía Sánchez-Gilbert has won the Campuswide Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching! This highly selective award, given to a maximum of 5 graduate teaching assistants, is awarded by the...
02/12/2024 - On February 9, CLACS held a workshop and reception for recipients of summer 2023 CLACS graduate research fellowships. The Department of Spanish and Portuguese was extremely well-represented, with 5...
02/09/2024 - Jose Figueroa was selected as a recipient of 2024-2025 Humanities Research Institute Interseminars Fellowship. He is one of eight other graduate students from the College of Fine and Applied Arts and...
02/09/2024 - Prof. Alejandro Ramirez Mendez is a recipient of Humanities Release Time for AY 2024-2025 for his project, Calles migrantes: Transnational Cartographies and Global Cities in the Literary...
02/09/2024 - Luis Gaytán has received a Graduate College MA Travel Grant for his MA research project. Eunyoung Yang has received a Graduate College Dissertation Travel Grant for her dissertation.
02/09/2024 - Lucía Sánchez-Gilbert is a recipient of the LAS Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching for Graduate Teaching Assistants. She is one of just six recipients College-wide for this award. Read...
02/09/2024 - Prof. Silvina Montrul's book...
02/09/2024 - Lázaro García Angulo was selected as a recipient 2024-2025 Humanities Research Institute Graduate Student Fellowship for his dissertation project, tentatively titled "“Otra mujer-hombre”:...
02/09/2024 - Prof. Rodrigo Delgado is a recipient of Humanities Release Time for AY 2024-2025 for his project, "Navigating the Linguistic Landscape: Language Mixing and Latinx Identity in the Digital Age."
02/05/2024 - On the occasion of her retirement, we will come together to celebrate Prof. Elena Delgado’s 34-year career at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Current and former students, colleagues,...
10/13/2023 - Prof. Silvina Montrul has been named a recipient of a Marjorie Roberts Professorship in Liberal Arts & Sciences. These prestigious named professorships are granted based on an outstanding record...
10/13/2023 - Congratulations to Luis Gaytán Soto, awarded the 2023 Graduate Student Leadership Award.
04/27/2023 - Danielle Massulo Bordignon has won a competitive Tinker Field Collaborative Fellowship, through CLACS. The title of...
04/25/2023 - Prof. Silvina Montrul has received a Lemann Faculty Research Grant for AY23-24 for her project “The Impact of Schooling on the Acquisition of “Little Words” in Brazilian Portuguese”, for a...
04/21/2023 - Katie VanDyne has received the LAS Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching by Graduate Teaching Assistants