05/23/2022 - It is with profound sadness that we share the news of the unexpected loss of Dara Goldman, professor of Spanish and director of the Program in Jewish Culture and Society.
05/12/2022 - PhD candidate in Hispanic Linguistics, Sara Sáez Fajardo has been awarded the Graduate College Dissertation Completion Fellowship for the 2022-2023 academic year for her dissertation “V...
05/09/2022 - Caio Albernaz Siqueira, PhD student in Hispanic Linguistics, is awarded the 2022 Tinker Field Research Collaborative Fellowship by the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, to conduct...
04/22/2022 - Prof. Carolyn Fornoff's article Planetary Poetics of Extinction in Contemporary Mexican Poetry," published in Mexican Literature as World Literature (2021) has been named the recipient of...
04/08/2022 - Our graduate students Kacie Gastañaga ( Linguistics) and Lucía Sánchez (Literature and Culture) have been awarded the Timothy J. Rogers Memorial Summer Fellowship for summer 2022. This fellowship...
04/08/2022 - We are excited to announce that the recipients of this year's prize for Best Graduate Paper are: Kacie Gastañaga, “HL, L2, and L3 Learner Processing of Written Corrective...
04/08/2022 - Congratulations to our three faculty who were recognized in the 2022 Celebration of Teaching Excellence: José Ignacio Hualde, Illinois Student Government Teaching Excellence Award Florencia...
04/08/2022 - Our own Deanivea Mendes Felix has been awarded a Graduate Fellowship for AY 2022-23 for her project "Under the Knife: Executive Interference and Brazil’s Human-Security State in Health Emergencies...
03/29/2022 - Our own Professor Silvina Montrul has been awarded the highly competitive LAS faculty study fellowship. The LAS Program of Faculty Study in a Second Discipline offers faculty members an opportunity...
03/15/2022 - Miren Antón Lobato, a doctoral candidate in literature and culture, has been awarded a Dissertation Completion Fellowship by the School for Literatures, Cultures, and Linguistics. During the...
03/15/2022 - Nominated by students, award recipients are selected by the Illinois Student Government. As stated by ISG, “The Illinois Student Government's Teaching Excellence Awards are an opportunity for...
03/08/2022 - In addition to Prof. Florencia Henshaw's recent accolades,...
03/02/2022 - This is the major campus award for excellence in undergraduate teaching in the entire campus, a well-deserved honor on the heels of also being named recipient of the LAS Award for Excellence in...
03/02/2022 - Prof. Florencia Henshaw has been named as the recipient of the ...
02/10/2022 - Carmen Gallegos has been recognized with the LAS Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching by Graduate Teaching Assistants. This is a one of the most competitive awards given to the most...