05/12/2021 - Following the determination by the Campus Promotion and Tenure Committee, the Provost has recommended the promotions of both Melissa Bowles and John Karam to the...
05/12/2021 - Lit/cult PhD candidate Carmen Gallegos has been awarded a highly competitive Graduate College Dissertation Completion Fellowship for AY 2021-2022. This award will...
05/05/2021 - Prof. Xiomara Cervantes has been awarded a six-month 2021 Career Enhancement Fellowship for Junior Faculty. The Fellowship is funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation...
05/04/2021 - Professor Carolyn Fornoff has been awarded the 2021 LEAP (Lincoln Excellence for Assistant Professors) Award. This highly competitive award was...
04/29/2021 - Our very own Ann Abbott has been the recipient of the inaugural 2021 Xiaohui Zhang Diversity and Community Engagement Award! This award, which is open to both...
04/26/2021 - PhD candidate Carmen Gallegos has been awarded a Whitten Fellowship from the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies for her project “Postcards in the...
04/23/2021 - Spanish PhD students Jone Vicente Urrutia (Lit/Cult) and Ander Beristain Murillo (Linguistics) have been selected for the Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Student ...
04/22/2021 - Our PhD candidate Ander Beristain has been awarded an LAS Impact Award for his efforts making online learning fun and engaging during the COVID-19 pandemic. The ...
04/22/2021 - The Graduate College has awarded our PhD candidate Irati Hurtado Ruiz a Dissertation Travel Grant to conduct research in Spain during Fall 2021. This Graduate College Travel Grant is...
04/12/2021 - PhD student Caio Albernaz Siqueira has been awarded a Global South Languages Fellowship to study Quechua for AY 2021-22. The goal of this fellowship program is to...
04/12/2021 - Ander Beristain Murillo and Jone Vicente Urrutia have won the LAS Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching by Graduate Teaching Assistants....
04/12/2021 - Professor Pilar Martínez-Quiroga has been recognized with the LAS Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching by Instructional Staff. Only one annual award is...
04/08/2021 - Our very recent alumna Dr. Liz Moreno-Chuquen (Ph.D. 2019) has been awarded a very competitive 2021 NEH Summer Stipend for her project, “Visual Narratives of...
04/04/2021 - Join us in congratulating Daniel Pérez-Astros who has been awarded a competitive Lemann Graduate Fellowship for AY 2021-22 for his project "Post-dictatorship, Trauma, and Testimony in Brazil and...
03/26/2021 - Join us in congratulating Ander Beristain and Eider Etxebarria who have been awarded 2021-2022 SLCL Dissertation Completion Fellowships...