Taught in English, this course considers how gendered and sexed bodies have been imagined in contemporary Latina/o literature and visual culture (photography, digital graphics, murals, mixed media, music videos, and cinema/tv).
Bodies out of Place: Destabilizing Geographies of Identity in Latina/o Literature and Visual Culture
Taught in English
T/TH 2:00-3:20 pm, online. CRN 46387
Crosslisted as LLS 246
Gen Ed for “Lit & Arts” and “US Minority Cultures”
How have gendered and sexed bodies been imagined in contemporary Latina/o literature and visual culture (photography, digital graphics, murals, mixed media, music videos, and cinema/tv), and how do they challenge collective, personal, and cultural images of femininity/marianismo, masculinity/machismo, LGBTQ persons, sexual behavior, desire, sex work, family/familism, and violence? We will interrogate notions of sense of place together with nationalism and immigration, race, gender, and sex, language, history and religion, and we’ll consider how these multiform artistic displacements reshape our understanding of these issues.
Taught by Anna Torres-Cacoullos