In her song “Somos Sur,” Chilean singer Ana Tijoux reimagines the possibilities of solidarity and collaboration among people in Latin America and around the so-called Global South. By giving voice to those unrepresented communities in el Sur, she proposes creating resistance against injustice and discrimination in the region. Such as Tijoux, many Latin American writers and scholars have constantly rethought living in Lationamérica, understanding the cultural differences between Europe and the US, and providing strategies against oppression and political repression in their own countries. This course addresses and rethinks the representation of identity and ethnicity in Latin American literature and culture. Through analyzing a wide range of works by some of the most prominent writers in Latin America, we will question the basic notions of Latin American identity and mestizaje. We will also explore the means of cultural resistance and transnational solidarity between different ethnic groups, such as indigenous communities or Afro-descendants.
SPAN 316 - SECT F and X - FALL 2023