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Sabbatical in Brazil
Caio was born in Caçapava, São Paulo, Brazil where he earned his first degree in Portuguese Linguistics & Literature from Universidade Paulista. Prior to his studies at UIUC, he completed a teaching assistantship at Washington and Lee University in Virginia through a grant from the Fulbright Program that also supported introductory courses in Hispanic Linguistics, Cognition, American Politics, French, and Foreign Languages Teaching Methodology. At UIUC, he completed a Master of Arts in Spanish, Master of Education in Bilingual Education, and a graduate certificate in TESL. At Universidade Paulista, he completed a Bachelor of Arts in Portuguese and a graduate certificate of specialization in Psychopedagogy. He is currently working on his Masters of Business Administration in School Management at the University of São Paulo and his PhD in Hispanic Linguistics at UIUC.
Caio has more than fourteen years of professional experience in the classroom. He has taught English, Spanish, and Portuguese as foreign languages in Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, and the US. He has also worked with school systems throughout Brazil to implement bilingual educational programs across different levels and subjects.
Caio nasceu em Caçapava, São Paulo, Brasil, onde obteve sua primeira graduação em Lingüística e Literatura Portuguesa pela Universidade Paulista. Antes de seus estudos na UIUC, ele completou um estágio de ensino na Washington and Lee University, na Virgínia, por meio de uma bolsa do Programa Fulbright, que também apoiou cursos introdutórios em Lingüística Hispânica, Cognição, Política Americana, Francês e Metodologia de Ensino de Línguas Estrangeiras. Na UIUC, concluiu um mestrado em Espanhol, um mestrado em Educação Bilíngue e uma especialização em Ensino de Inglês. Na Universidade Paulista, concluiu uma licenciatura em Letras em Português e uma especialização em Psicopedagogia. Atualmente cursa especialização em M.B.A. em Gestão Escolar na Universidade de São Paulo e doutorado em Linguística Hispânica na Universidade de Illinois.
Caio tem mais de quatorze anos de experiência profissional em sala de aula. Ele ensinou inglês, espanhol e português como línguas estrangeiras no Brasil, Uruguai, Colômbia e EUA. Ele também trabalhou com sistemas escolares em todo o Brasil para implementar programas educacionais bilíngues em diferentes níveis e disciplinas.
Research Interests
- Bilingualism.
- L1, L2, L3, and HL Acquisition.
- Phonetics & Phonology.
- Bilingual Education.
- Language Teaching and Teacher Education.
- Computer-Assisted Language Learning.
Research Description
The realization of voiced occlusives in the Spanish and Portuguese of Rivera
In the adjacent cities of Rivera (Northern Uruguay) and Santana do Livramento (Southern Brazil), the major contact between Spanish and Portuguese not only creates a whole new variety of Portuguese known as portuñol, fronteiriço, or DPU1, but also provokes the mutual influence of the local official languages i.e., Spanish and Portuguese. This study aims to answer the following questions: as for the intervocalic voiced bilabial occlusive realizations, is the Spanish of Rivera influenced by Portuguese? Conversely, is the Portuguese of Rivera influenced by Spanish? How different are they from the realizations of their monolingual counterparts in Porto Alegre and Montevideo? Are those differences statistically significant?
1. Dialetos do Português Uruguaio. In English, Uruguayan Portuguese Dialects.
Full transfer and property-by-property transfer in L3 Spanish Acquisition in Brazil: a longitudinal study
This study is based on the Typological Primacy Model (TPM, Rothman, 2011) and the Linguistic Proximity Model (LPM, Westergaard, 2021) for transfer in L3 Acquisition (L3A). The main similarity between these two models is the deterministic role of linguistic similarity in L3 transfer. The main difference is that the TPM claims that the whole linguistic system from either the L1 or L2 is transferred; on the other hand, the LPM posits that transfer happens in a property-by-property basis. This study aims to contribute to this discussion by investigating what drives transfer in L3A: global structure similarity or specific property similarity? Does that deterministic factor change over time? The second question is motivated by the fact that most of the research in L3A has examined transfer at the initial stage of acquisition. The language triad for this study is Portuguese as L1, English as L2, and Spanish as L3 in Brazil. Two linguistic factors are probed: the realization of voiced occlusives /b, d, g/ in intervocalic position and the realization of R in word-initial position /ɻ, r̄, h/.
Spanish and Portuguese in contact: the Bolivian community in São Paulo
São Paulo is the biggest and most important city in Brazil. It is home not only for paulistanos, but also for many thousands of migrants that for different reasons move there for better life conditions. Bolivians became the largest community of immigrants in São Paulo in 2020. In Bolivia, the contact between Quechua/Aymara and Spanish seems to have impacted the realization and interpretation of some Spanish language features. For example, Escobar and Crespo (2020) found that Quechua subjectivity is transferred to Andean Spanish in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador through the use of the Present Perfect. Semantic transfers like this can also impact how Spanish, Quechua, and Portuguese all interact in the trilingual community of Bolivians in São Paulo. This research aims to analyze the interaction between these languages in São Paulo both at the sociolinguistic and acquisitional levels.
Higher Education
- Ph.D. Spanish, Linguistics - Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, expected 2026.
- M.B.A. in School Management - University of São Paulo, Brazil, expected 2026.
- Ed.M. Bilingual Education - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, expected 2023.
- Certificate of Specialization. Psychopedagogy and Neuroscience - Universidade Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil, expected 2023.
- M.A. Spanish, Linguistics - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2021.
- Certificate of Specialization. TESL - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2021.
- B.A. Letras - Português (Linguistics and Literature in Portuguese) - Universidade Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil, 2016.
Other studies
- DELE examiner (A1, A2, B1, and B2) - Instituto Cervantes, Brasília, Brazil, 2020.
- Basic Guarani - IDIPAR, Asunción, Paraguay, 2019.
- Diploma de Español Lengua Extranjera (C1) - Instituto Cervantes, New York, the USA, 2018.
- Español General (C1) - Coined, Córdoba, Argentina, 2015.
- TESOL Diploma - International Languages Academy of Canada, Toronto, Canada, 2011.
- Tinker Foundation Summer Graduate Research Fellowship - Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the USA, 2022.
- Global South Languages Fellowship - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the USA, 2021-2022.
- Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistantship - Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA, the USA, 2018-2019.
Courses Taught
- SPAN 490* - Advanced Readings in Spanish
- SPAN 308* - Spanish in the United States
- SPAN 307 - Bilingualism
- SPAN 303* - The Sounds of Spanish
- LING 291* - Linguistics Laboratory Research Experience
- SPAN 228 - Spanish Composition
- SPAN 204 - Advanced Spanish Grammar in Context
- SPAN 142 - Spanish in the Professions
- SPAN 130 - Intermediate Spanish
- SPAN 122 - Intensive Elementary Spanish
At FATEC - Faculdade de Tecnologia de Praia Grande
- Business English (taught in English)*
- Experiencing Research: Theory and Practice (taught in English)*
* Courses designed by the instructor.
Additional Campus Affiliations
College of Education: Department of Curriculum and Instruction
- Graduate Student in the Educational Masters in Bilingual/Bi-cultural Education.
Department of Linguistics
- OEAI Examiner (sesonal).
Recent Publications
Albernaz Siqueira, C. (2022). Ensino de Inglês para Falantes de Outras Línguas (ESOL) no Exterior. In Fernanda Ribeiro (Ed.), Práticas de Ensino de Inglês - Vol. 2 (pp. 57-74). Pedro e João Editores.
Albernaz Siqueira, C. (2021). Ensino de Inglês na Educação Bilíngue. In Fernanda Ribeiro (Ed.), Práticas de Ensino de Inglês - Vol. 1 (pp. 87-102). Pedro e João Editores.
Ribeiro, F., & Albernaz Siqueira, C. (2021). Ensino de Gramática do Inglês. In Fernanda Ribeiro (Ed.), Práticas de Ensino de Inglês - Vol. 1 (pp. 265-289). Pedro e João Editores.