Professor Silvina Montrul Awarded National Institute of Health NICHD Grant!!!!


Our world-class researcher Professor Silvina Montrul has been awarded a highly prestigious and extremely competitive National Institute of Health, NICHD (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) Grant for her project Validating New Measures of Later Language Development with Spanish and English Monolinguals and Bilinguals for the amount of $142,614 for 2 years.

Prof. Montrul is the Principal Investigator and she will be working with her Illinois collaborators:  Kiel Christiansen (Educational Psychology), Jessica Montag (Psychology), Pam Hadley (Speech and Hearing Sciences) and Run Yan (Linguistics).

NIH grants are extremely difficult to receive and they are only awarded to the most outstanding projects in diverse areas of sciences among a very competitive field of applicants. Applications undergo a rigorous two-stage review which at the first level is carried out primarily by non-federal scientists, while the second is performed by Advisory Councils or Boards. This NIH grant attests to Professor Montrul's  sustained record of excellence in the area of Linguistics and the national recognition of her outstanding and impactful research.


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