07/12/2020 - The 51st meeting of the Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL) hosted at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will take place April 29-May 1, 2021. Mark your...
06/27/2020 - Professor Silvina Montrul has published yet another book, adding to a lengthy list of top-notch publications. Dr. Montrul's most recent book, Acquisition of Differential...
06/27/2020 - Professor Jill Jegerski has been awarded the Conrad Humanities Professorial Scholar award beginning in AY 2020-2021 and continuing through 2024-2025. The Conrad...
06/12/2020 - Several of our amazing recent graduates and current students in Spanish and Portuguese have received highly prestigious awards Three of our students received...
05/19/2020 - Two of our PhD students, Ane Icardo Isasa and Teresa Greppi, have been recognized by the Illinois News Bureau for their campus-level teaching awards this year. You can read about them...
05/18/2020 - We are thrilled to announce that PhD student Eider Etxebarria-Zuluaga (Spanish Linguistics) has been awarded the prestigious NSF Doctoral Dissertation ...
05/18/2020 - As the academic year 2019-20 comes to a close, Professor Mariselle Meléndez, Head of Spanish and Portuguese, created a video presentation to honor everyone's efforts (faculty and...
05/18/2020 - These YouTube Videos will give you a sense for the University of Illinois and the Champaign-Urbana micro-urban region. {"preview_thumbnail":"/sites/default/files/...
05/15/2020 - Our world-class researcher Professor Silvina Montrul has been awarded a highly prestigious and extremely...
05/15/2020 - Our graduate student in Literatures and Cultures Mónica Lugo (PhD Spanish) has accepted a position as Spanish Instructor at Eastern Illinois University, starting this August 2020...
05/09/2020 - Wonderful news for Spanish and Portuguese: Provost Andreas Cangellaris has recommended to Chancellor Robert Jones the promotion of Professor Irigoyen to Full Professor effective...
05/08/2020 - Professor Eduardo Ledesma has been awarded a Unit for Criticism & Interpretive Theory Senior Fellowship for the years 2020-22, for his project, Blind Cinema...
04/29/2020 - The Darlene Wolf Fellowship was established by an alumna of our department, Darlene Wolf, who earned her PhD in Spanish (SLATE) and specialized in second language reading research....
04/28/2020 - LAS news has announced our own Javier Irigoyen-García as one of the College of LAS named scholars for his outstanding contribution in the area of research. Javier is one of the three faculty members...
04/25/2020 - Despite a tough market and COVID-19, so far three of our graduate students have received TT Assistant Professor positions from prestigious universities, please congratulate them when you see them!...