03/11/2020 - One of our department's former double majors and recent alumna, Phoebe Lauer, who majored in Spanish and Psychology, has been awarded a Fulbright grant to work as an English Teaching...
03/03/2020 - Carolyn Fornoff has been awarded a competitive Campus Research Board Award for her book project: Subjunctive Aesthetics: Mexican Culture in the Era of Climate Change. As an additional...
- Teresa Greppi recipient of highly competitive 2020 Campus Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award
02/26/2020 - Our very own Teresa Greppi has been selected by the Provost's Office as one of only 5 campus wide Teaching Assistant recipients of the 2020 Campus Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching...
02/14/2020 - Our own Javier Irigoyen-García has been selected as an inaugural LAS Dean's Distinguished Professorial Scholar. This highly selective award from the College of...
02/07/2020 - The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) has awarded Florencia Henshaw their Conference Attendee Travel Stipend award to attend the AATSP 2020 Annual...
02/05/2020 - Teresa Greppi and Cristina Mostacero Pinilla have been recognized with the LAS Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching by Graduate Teaching Assistants...
12/22/2019 - Two faculty members have been recognized at the National Level by the MLA by winning their elections: Carolyn Fornoff has been elected to serve as MLA Forum Delegate for the Mexican LLC from 2020-...
12/22/2019 - Congratulations to Professors Carolyn Fornoff and Vincent Cervantes for receiving Humanities Release Time Awards for AY 2020-21. Nicely done Carolyn and Vincent!
12/04/2019 - Prof. Xiomara Cervantes-Gómez has been named the recipient of the 2019 LEAP Award (Lincoln Excellence for Assistant Professors). The competitive LEAP award was...
11/26/2019 - Florencia Henshaw has been named as a recipient of the 2019 LAS Academic Professional Award. The LAS Academic Professional Award honors academic professionals for...
11/21/2019 - Florencia Henshaw has been selected to be one of the six members of the Editorial Advisory Board for ACTFL's publication "The Language Educator." The Language Educator,...
11/07/2019 - Raquel Goebel is the recipient of the “Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTL) Partnership Grant”, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The award is part of a cross-university...
10/21/2019 - Our undergraduate academic advisor for Spanish, Tasha Robles, has received the title promotion to Senior Academic Advisor. Congratulations Tasha!
10/16/2019 - Prof. Fornoff has received a competitive Research Board Book Subvention grant for her co-edited book, Timescales: Ecological Temporalities Across Disciplines which will be forthcoming with...
10/07/2019 - Prof. Osuji, a former major in Spanish and Portuguese who graduated in 2001 and went on to Harvard (MA) and UCLA (PhD), just published Boundaries of Love: Interracial Marriage and the...