Hispanic Linguistics Conferences


10th Heritage language Summer Institute, May 22-25, 2017

(co-organized with Center for World Languages, UCLA)


Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America (GALANA 2016), September 8-11, 2016 (organized by Silvina Montrul, Tania Ionin, Jill Jegerski, Darren Tanner and Matt Rispoli).


2015 Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, September 23-27, 2015 (organized by Silvina Montrul, Melissa Bowles, Rebecca Foote, Jill Jergerski, Jonathan MacDonald and Anna María Escobar)


Sepharad as Imagined Community , September 2-3, 2014 (organized by José Ignacio Hualde and Mahir Saul)

This conference examines the formation and development of Judeo-Spanish in the Eastern Mediterranean lands of the Ottoman Empire and the varied cultural and identity-related roles that several oral and written manifestations of this language played for centuries and continue to play in the present for its speakers. The conference is focused in its topic, Judeo-Spanish, but broad in the spectrum of disciplinary perspectives on the themes that we would like to bring together, including perspectives from diverse fields such as Linguistics, History, Anthropology, Sociology, Literary and Cultural Studies and Religious Studies.


2009 Heritage Language Summer Institute (dates June 22-26, 2009)

(organized by Silvina Montrul, Abbas Benmamoun and the Center for World Languages, UCLA)



Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (GASLA) 2009 (March 13-15, 2009)

(organized by Silvina Montrul, Tania Ionin and Annie Tremblay)



38th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages

(organized by Silvina Montrul, Karlos Arregi, Zsuzsanna Fagyal and Annie Tremblay), April 4-6, 2008.


Second Language Research Forum 2007 (October 11-14, 2007)


4th Conference on the Acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese as First and Second Languages and 5th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, October 11, 12, 13 and 14, 2001 (organized by Silvina Montrul and Francisco Ordóñez)